Privacy Policy Page

Privacy Policy
Do We Share Your  Information With Anyone ?
We Share Your Personal Information Only With Few Of Our Trusted Partners Including The Payment Gateway, Order Fulfilment And Tracking Partners . Sharing Of This Data Is Necessary In Order To Fulfill Your Order.
So Please Be Assured That We Will Do Our Best To Always Protect Your Personal Information.

Payment & Security
Bodybuildmyanmar Is Committed To Provide You With The Most Secure Experience. 

Body building Myanmar is Myanmar’s No (1) Trusted and Fastest Growing Sports Nutrition Store . We have wide range of Protein , Supplemets & Health Products making them easy to purchase and accessible all over Myanmar .

Contact Info

  • Address: Body Building ( YGN Branch ) - No(15) Bo Myat Tun , Myitta st , 49 st Lower Block , Botahaung / Mandalay Branch - No (15) 79 st , 26x27 , Chan Aye tharsan , Mandalay
  • Phone: 09404040484 , 09688586665 , 09761114668
  • Email: [email protected]